The European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) is the first macro-regional strategy in Europe. It aims at reinforcing cooperation within this large region in order to face several challenges by working together as well as promoting a more balanced development in the area. The Strategy provides an integrated framework for improving the environmental condition of the sea, transport bottlenecks and energy interconnections as well as facilitating the development of competitive markets across borders and common networks for research and innovation.
The Strategy also promotes so called flagships in the Baltic Sea Region. These flagships are projects that have a macro-regional impact and start from joint initiatives involving partnership from different countries. They illustrate the work carried out under different policy areas and joint actions.
During the last meeting of the National Coordinators, the EMMA project ( was approved as latest flagship in the Policy Area Transport.
The acronym EMMA stands for Enhancing freight Mobility and logistics in the Baltic Sea Region by strengthening inland waterway and river sea transport and proMoting new internAtional shipping services.
The key aim of EMMA is to enhance inland navigation in the Baltic Sea Region. The project addresses the sub-objective of the EUSBSR of fostering “good transport conditions”. By improving the conditions for inland waterway transport, regions will improve their competitiveness compared to other regions, as they can offer their industry cheaper transport options. This strengthens competitiveness of Baltic Sea region companies on the one hand and increases intra Baltic Sea region trade on the other hand. The latter means a stronger cooperation of regions. Thus the objectives of EMMA and the EUSBSR are along the same lines.
“The appointment of EMMA as flagship project reflects the importance the European Commission attaches to the further development of inland navigation in the Baltic Sea Region. Now it is time to deliver results and to inspire and to contribute to discussions on future European transport policy developments. With EMMA we will provide pilots, new lines developed and a strong voice for the challenges and needs the inland navigation sector sees in its further development”, says Stefan Breitenbach from Port of Hamburg Marketing, being the Lead Partner of EMMA.
EMMA focusses on measures, where inland navigation is a realistic alternative with moderate infrastructure improvements in transport chains. It will show how the modal share of IWT can be increased in the Baltic Sea Region countries.
More information about the EUSBSR and its flagships can be found on
Mr. Stefan Breitenbach
Port of Hamburg Marketing
Head of Project Development
+49 40 37709 121
Copyright: Hafen Hamburg Marketing